Portland, IN. – First Bank of Berne made a $1,000 donation to Jay Randolph Developmental Services. Pictured are (L to R) Tracy Carpenter, First Bank of Berne Branch Manager, Angie Whitenack, Client, Jared Sizemore, Client, Traci Gross, JRDS Director of Fund Development & Administrative Services, and Kurtis Atkinson, Client
Mission Statement:
JRDS is dedicated to providing quality services which empower persons with special needs to pursue their individual goals in a variety of community settings.
Jay-Randolph Developmental Services (JRDS) is a private non-profit community social service agency serving people with developmental disabilities. JRDS services are person-centered, individualized and provided according to the needs and preferences of the person served.
Our Services:
OBRA Habilitation Training, Residential Group Living, Supported Living Waiver Services, Basic Life Skills, Life Skills, and Work Services.
This donation will be used for Operating Expenses.
For more information please reach out to ay-Randolph Developmental Services, Inc. Administrative Offices:
901 E. Water Street, Portland, IN 47371
Phone: 260-726-7931
Toll Free: 877-726-7931
Fax: 260-726-8184
Email: jrds©jrds.org